Rule 1: Maximize your positive life experiences Since the reward of processing energy is the experiences that you get to choose, it stands to reason that the way to make the most of your life is to maximize the number of these life experiences-particularly positive ones.” This book is about making the most of your adventure before it ends. When you are no longer able to process energy, you will be declared dead and your adventure will be over.

Movement is life, and as we move we get continuous feedback-which leads to discovery, wonder, joy, and all the other experiences you can have throughout life’s great adventure. Processing energy lets us not only survive on earth but also live a potentially fulfilling life: With that energy, we can move about the world. We process food so we can power our bodies.

But there’s another, less obvious truth about ‘dying’ that has important implications for how you should live your life: We all die a multitude of deaths throughout our lives.” “ This entire book is predicated on the hard, cold truth that we will all die and, as we age, our health will gradually decline.But trying to maximize money actually gets in the way of achieving the more important goal.” Money is just a means to an end: Having money helps you to achieve the more important goal of enjoying your life. “ The premise of this book is that you should be focusing on maximizing your life enjoyment rather than on maximizing your wealth.“ Helping you live more deliberately is one of my biggest goals for this book.”.This book is not about making your money grow- it’s about making your life grow.”

So that’s what I focus on in this book: thriving, not just surviving.